
Business Succession Planning Tips

If you’ve dedicated significant effort to building your business, it’s crucial to take steps to protect it in case of your passing, retirement, or incapacitation. Business succession planning encompasses the actions necessary to ensure a… [Read More...]

Do Business Contracts Need Attorney Review?

Many businesses try to save money by avoiding having an attorney review their business contracts. They believe it is not worth the time, money, and effort to have a business contract lawyer review these documents. This is especially the case when a b… [Read More...]

Updating Your Estate Plan After a Divorce

Many married couples include their spouse in their will, grant each other powers of attorney, and assign them as beneficiaries for insurance and bank accounts. Although updating your estate plan might not be a priority after a divorce, it remains cru… [Read More...]

What to Do if You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

The immediate aftermath of a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming time. You or a loved one may have sustained severe injuries and your vehicle may be damaged beyond repair. When faced with the stressful situation of a car crash, you may n… [Read More...]

Preventing and Resolving Family Disputes Over an Elderly Parent’s Care

Adult children may not always agree on the issues surrounding an aging parent’s care. However, if a parent becomes incapacitated and can no longer care for themselves, questions may arise. For instance, adult children may have to decide where their… [Read More...]

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect: When to Know it’s Time to Contact an Attorney

When you make the tough decision to place an elderly loved one in a skilled nursing facility, you expect that they will receive the care, treatment, and attention they need. Sadly, nursing home abuse and neglect are all too common — and mistreatmen… [Read More...]

A Guide to Adverse Possession

Disputes between neighbors may seem inevitable. But in North Dakota and Minnesota, boundary disputes have turned ugly as landowners accuse the government of moving boundary line markers, and property owners are being charged thousands of dollars to c… [Read More...]

How a Lawyer Can Help with Real Estate Contract Negotiation

Negotiating a real estate contract is a complex process. Every transaction is unique and involves specific nuances. Since the stakes are often high when it comes to real estate, it’s crucial to have the representation of experienced counsel who can… [Read More...]

What are Qualified Domestic Relations Orders and How Are They Used in Divorce Cases?

Retirement benefits are often some of the most substantial assets held by a married couple. In the event of divorce, retirement assets acquired during the course of the marriage may be subject to division under North Dakota’s equitable distribution… [Read More...]


   In the spirit of the giving season, Fremstad Law is making a donation to Bridging the Gap, a local nonprofit whose mission is to provide care, comfort, and support for children who are disengaged within our local school systems. Children who st… [Read More...]