Buying or Selling a Business?

Fremstad Law’s origins are in working with businesses and their owners.  When it come’s time to sell your business or to buy a new business, Fremstad Law has the experience to help you get the deal done. 

Fremstad Law has assisted buyers and sellers in business deals ranging from below $10,000 to in excess of $10,000,000, across all spectrums of business.  We don’t use one size all templates and will work hard to ensure that the work is based upon the specific needs of the client and the deal.    

Fremstad Law can assist on preparing or reviewing all transaction documents from initial confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, and to the definitive sale and purchase documents.  Fremstad Law can also help with due diligence reviews and coordination with accounting and appraisal experts.

While we understand that people can have an aversion to lawyers, business purchases, and sales, need to be handled carefully.  We have seen many problems arise when businesses are bought and sold using documents that are done for real estate sales and purchases or using templates found on the internet.     

If you are looking to buy and sell a business call Joel Fremstad.  Joel has led Fremstad Law’s business department and has been rated by Super Lawyers as a Top-rated Business & Corporate Attorney in Fargo.